Anticariat Librarie - Mii de carti vechi si noi din cele mai diverse categorii
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Orient Express - Filmul romanesc si filmul balcanic - Marian Tutui Anticariat carti arta, film, cinema, teatru
Format: 23,5/21 cm- O documentatie ampla constituie backgroundul acestei prime cercetari romanesti consacrate filmului din regiunea Balcanilor, contribuind la cunoasterea si la recunoasterea unui segment valoros al spiritualitatii sud-est europene.
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Massimiliano Fuksas - Luca Molinari Anticariat carti limbi straine, engleza
Format: 29/24,5 cm- cartonat, cu supracoperta, in limba engleza
Works and Projects 1970 - 2005
album cu proiecte de arhitectura, fotografii, planurile si schite
Massimiliano Fuksas, along with Renzo Piano, is one of the most influential Italian architects working today. This beautiful volume demonstrates how he has achieved this status: 36 built and unbuilt projects, each fully documented with superb photographs, models, drawings, and sketches. Fuksas' most recent works include the Emporio Armani flagship store in Hong Kong, the Jaffa Peace Center, and the Congress Center in EUR, Rome. An essay by Fuksas, a biographical chronology, and a selected bibliography complete this elegant and comprehensive monograph.
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Brazil - Regis St. Louis Anticariat carti limbi straine, engleza
Format: 29/25 cm- cartonat, cu supracoperta, in limba engleza
History and Early Development, People, Culture, Sport nature, Geography, Built environment, industry
"Brazil is a visual celebration of a most remarkable nation. This stunning collection of over 300 photographs explores in depth the unique mix of cultures that make up modern Brazil - from its lush rainforests to its fertile pampas, from its indigenous peoples to its roster of internationally acclaimed models, and from its carnival samba rhythms to its cool bossanova vibes."
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Quelques matins du monde parmi les femmes - Valerie Negrel Anticariat carti limbi straine, franceza
Format: 24/24 cm- album cu fotografii
in limba franceza
Nord Laos - Nepal - Inde du Nord
Achat Quelques Matins Du Monde Parmi Les Femmes - Nord Laos - Népal - Inde Du Nord à prix bas sur Rakuten. Si vous êtes fan de lecture depuis des années, découvrez sans plus tarder toutes nos offres et nos bonnes affaires exceptionnelles pour l'acquisition d'un produit Quelques Matins Du Monde Parmi Les Femmes - Nord Laos - Népal - Inde Du Nord. Des promos et des réductions alléchantes vous attendent toute l'année dans notre catégorie Livre. Et cela, autant sur les bouquins les plus tendances du moment que sur les livres anciens les plus incontournables. Pour les dénicher, rien de plus simple : il suffit de vous rendre au sein de notre univers Livres. Vous avez trouvé la perle rare avec votre référence Quelques Matins Du Monde Parmi Les Femmes - Nord Laos - Népal - Inde Du Nord ? Ajoutez-la vite au panier et finalisez votre commande pour ne pas passer à côté de ce bon plan. Les meilleurs prix du web pour l'achat d'un produit Quelques Matins Du Monde Parmi Les Femmes - Nord Laos - Népal - Inde Du Nord neuf ou d'occasion de la catégorie Livre, c'est dans l'univers Livres de Rakuten que vous le trouvez !
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Severny Spis - Dionyz Dugas Anticariat carti arta, pictura, sculptura, desen, arhitectura, istorie
Format: 27/23,5 cm- cartonat, cu supracoperta
Kniha fotografií zachycuje krásy Spie ve vech roèních obdobích.
Fotografická publikácia obsahujúca okrem iného aj krásne celostránkové fotografie, èi u èiernobiele, alebo farebné, ktoręch autorom je Dionęz Dugas.
Album cu fotografii cu peisaje, instantanee, monumente, etc
Paginile nu sunt numerotate. Insa sunt numerotate fotogsrfiile 170. Care marea majoritate sunt pe o pagina sau doua pag. Deci doar foto ocupa mai mult de 170 pag. Mai sunt si cateva pag cu text - deci se apropie de 200
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Ludowe wojsko polskie - Jozef Wasiluk Anticariat carti limba poloneza
Format: 30,5/24 cm- cartonat
Preț: Negociabil în funcție de câte (și ce) titluri cereți. Dacă sunați e foarte posibil să vă dau prețul pe loc sau imediat ce ajung la PC.
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Identity Crisis! - Jeff Fisher Anticariat carti limba engleza
Format: 26/23,5 cm- cartonat, in limba engleza
50 redesigns that transformed
stale identities into successfulbrands
Letterhead, logos, websites and more
It's not unusual for a business or organization to experience an "identity crisis" as the years pass and its public persona dulls. In Identity Crisis!, identity design professional Jeff Fisher gives you a behind-the-scenes look at the identity redesign process in 50 different case studies. This book showcases results that designers around the world have provided for clients, including one-person businesses, retail operations, major corporations, restaurants, educational institutions, performing arts groups and more.
Through detailed, illustrated case studies, Identity Crisis! presents the obstacles that graphic designers - and their clients - may face when an identity starts to lose its luster and target market appeal. This volume showcases the creative results in the redesign of logos, stationery, signage, websites, menus, environment and collateral items. Over 400 illustrative elements - "befores" and "afters" - provide the inspiration for a solution to any identity crisis.
With foreword by Jack Anderson of Hornall Anderson Design.
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Pattaya Beach - Franck Poupart Anticariat carti limbi straine, franceza
Format: 24/15 cm- in limba franceza
Sur les rivages brûlants du golfe de Thaïlande, il existe une ville en fusion permanente, un enfer femelle chauffé à blanc par des nuits sans sommeil où le fric, le sexe, l'alcool et la drogue se fondent dans un univers dont on forge les destins. Dans cette cité-bordel, de jeunes beautés mercenaires à la peau couleur de miel essaient de fuir leur destin au milieud'hommes crevant de solitude dans des pays au ciel livide et glacé et qui découvrent avec émerveillement qu'ils ne sont pas encore morts. Pattaya Beach est un roman shooté aux amphétamines, un morceau de vie où se mêlent l'amour le plus lumineux et les déchéances les plus abjectes. Pattaya Beach est lemiroir du malaise dans lequel le monde occidental est en train de crever, oubliant ce qu'est la vie.Pattaya Beach est l'histoire de la métamorphose d'un homme qui découvre dans la luxuriance des nuits interlopes que ce qu'il croyait être la vie n'avait été jusqu'alors qu'une longue agonie juste arrivée avant l'heure. L'histoire d'un de ces coups de poing dans la gueule qui vous réveille des destins. Pattaya Beach n'est pas un roman sur le tourisme sexuel, mais le roman de solitudes croisées, unies par le sexe et des rêves inaccessibles. D'une écriture limpide et incisive, Pattaya Beach est un roman fort et entêtant dont l'écho demeure longtempsprésent.
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The ultimate field guide to digital video - Richard Olsenius Anticariat carti arta, pictura, sculptura, desen, arhitectura, istorie, limba engleza
Format: 21,5/13,5 cm- in limba engleza
With the explosive popularity of camera phones, streaming video, and YouTube.com, digital video is fast becoming as ubiquitous as the snapshot. National Geographic stands at the forefront of this emerging trend with an essential how-to guide. Illustrated with clear, step-by-step photos, it teaches an easy, logical approach: first, make better-quality videosand then, edit them into accessible, fun, and creative projects your family will cherish. Straightforward instructions cover every important element: choosing and using equipment, creating a story, shooting the right footage to tell it, transferring work to the computer, editing, and sharing.
In these visual lessons, award-winning filmmaker Richard Olsenius demystifies digital video for the novice and offers hints from his 35 years of filming for the more experienced user. To begin, he explains the bevy of camcorder choices and how to pick the right one for the job, as well as the range of accessories available. Nexthow to shoot a better video, including ideas to formulate beforehand, technical skills to practice, and insider tips from the master's own work. Olsenius then walks us through downloading and editing (both Mac and PC formats), and coaches us on the many ways to share video these days: YouTube.com, podcasts, websites, e-mail. As an added bonus, National Geographic provides links to online tutorials that enhance the fun and ease of learning.
This book will be for the growing market of digital video users what National Geographic's top-selling guides have been for still photographersthe best information out there, from a trusted, up-to-the-minute source.
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