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    Anticariat Librarie => Lista carti => Cautare: Florentina Camelia Stoica si Charlotte Ene
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Business Law - Florentina Camelia Stoica si Charlotte Ene

Anticariat carti limbi straine, engleza
Format: 20/13 cm-
in limba engleza

Business organizations

In elaborating of this book, the legislation adopted by December 2015 was taken into consideration. This course is aimed not only to economist students, but for people in general and its goal is to contribute to the economic and legal thinking in the field of Business Law. To achieve this objective, the approach of business organisations law is made in a modern form, using PowerPoint slides, which will certainly help the students deepen their knowledge about institutions and the teachers by facilitating the presentation of the institutions.

The course is intended as an important tool in the study organization of companies, goodwill and other participants in the corporate law.

For business organisations law can not be considered a parallel reglementation to the EU law, it was necessary to introduce a section covering Community directives in the trading companies field.

The study is also a challenge to new reflections in Business Law.
Preț: Negociabil în funcție de câte (și ce) titluri cereți.
Dacă sunați e foarte posibil să vă dau prețul pe loc sau imediat ce ajung la PC.

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