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Carte: Haw to Draw Fantasy Worlds - Steve Beaumont

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The Art of Drawing Fantasy Characters

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Haw to Draw Fantasy Worlds


Steve Beaumont

Format: 29,5/21 cm- 

in limba engleza - 2 volume

1 - Create amazing fantasy characters
2 - Create characters, creatures and scenes

Based on the popular class taught by professional artist Steve Beaumont, this book presents actual class tutorials as step-by-step exercises, combined with insider tips used by professionals. Taking the human form as its central theme, the book looks at some wild and magnificent figures such as angels, vampires, warriors, and other mythological characters.
Projects are broken down into easy-to-follow steps so that artists can follow precise techniques and achieve impressive results. Taking the human form as its central theme, the book looks at some wild and magnificent figures such as angels, vampires, warriors and other mythological characters. Filled with stunning colour images, the author guides readers through the basic stages of drawing anatomy and figure drawing, before progressing on to designing fantasy art creations.

Filled with stunning color images, How to Draw Fantasy Worlds guides readers through the basic stages of anatomy and figure drawing, before progressing to designing imaginative fantasy art creations. The book covers popular fantasy themes such as voodoo, vampires, werewolves, sea monsters, gothic, and Wild West adventure. This book is packed with advice on character development, draftsmanship, and the all-important skill of coloring artwork. 


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Editura: Arcturus 
An aparitie: 2012, 2014 
Nr pagini: 128, 128 

arta, pictura, sculptura, desen, arhitectura, istorie, limba engleza 

Grad uzura: foarte buna 
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