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    Anticariat Librarie => Lista carti => Cautare: Richard Olsenius
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The ultimate field guide to digital video - Richard Olsenius

Anticariat carti arta, pictura, sculptura, desen, arhitectura, istorie, limba engleza
Format: 21,5/13,5 cm-
in limba engleza

With the explosive popularity of camera phones, streaming video, and, digital video is fast becoming as ubiquitous as the snapshot. National Geographic stands at the forefront of this emerging trend with an essential how-to guide. Illustrated with clear, step-by-step photos, it teaches an easy, logical approach: first, make better-quality videos—and then, edit them into accessible, fun, and creative projects your family will cherish. Straightforward instructions cover every important element: choosing and using equipment, creating a story, shooting the right footage to tell it, transferring work to the computer, editing, and sharing.

In these visual lessons, award-winning filmmaker Richard Olsenius demystifies digital video for the novice and offers hints from his 35 years of filming for the more experienced user. To begin, he explains the bevy of camcorder choices and how to pick the right one for the job, as well as the range of accessories available. Next—how to shoot a better video, including ideas to formulate beforehand, technical skills to practice, and insider tips from the master's own work. Olsenius then walks us through downloading and editing (both Mac and PC formats), and coaches us on the many ways to share video these days:, podcasts, websites, e-mail. As an added bonus, National Geographic provides links to online tutorials that enhance the fun and ease of learning.

This book will be for the growing market of digital video users what National Geographic's top-selling guides have been for still photographers—the best information out there, from a trusted, up-to-the-minute source.
Preț: Negociabil în funcție de câte (și ce) titluri cereți.
Dacă sunați e foarte posibil să vă dau prețul pe loc sau imediat ce ajung la PC.

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